To ensure your extensions last a long time, find the right type of extensions to fit your lifestyle. You want to find the type of extension and application that will work well with your hair and scalp.
If you wear Indian virgin hair extensions regularly, then you've probably learned a trick or two on how to make each set last a little longer than the ones before. We've learned a couple of tips and tricks over the years too! So here are our best tips for extending the life of hair extensions.
What are extensions made out of?
Indian hair extensions can be made out of natural or synthetic hair, and they're available in a nearly infinite variety of colors. Their texture can be wavy, straight and curly Indian hair extensions, and you'll want to choose the kind closest to your natural hair texture to cut down on your styling time.
Are Indian Hair Extensions Right For You?
Confidence Boost
Longer, fuller, shinier locks are a sign of youth. As we age, our hair thins (though some are more genetically prone to this than others). Similar to a great blowout or a killer pair of shoes, hair extensions can give you a little pep in your step.
Change Up Your Look
Bored with your strands? Extensions allow you to experiment with color without bleaching your hair. Clip in hair extensions one pink streak for the night.
Grow Out A Bob
If you have a shortcut that you're desperate to grow out, Virgin Indian hair extensions will instantly add length and ease your frustration. It'll help get you to that ponytail stage.
How To Extend The Life Of Indian Hair Extensions?
1. Choose The Right Type Extensions
Choose the right type of extensions for your lifestyle and hair texture. Your hair extensions should simply be an extension of your current lifestyle, not a hindrance. So if you're finding that your extensions are distracting, causing discomfort, or tangling easily, there's likely a better style for you.
Wearing the right type of extensions will extend the wear time because they will be able to hold up to your lifestyle best. Learn about What Are The Different Types Of Hair Extensions or consult your stylist to decide which type of extensions are best for you.
2. Cleansing and Hydrating
Keep your hair and scalp clean to avoid tangles! Avoid harsh products. A leave-in conditioner is a must! Ask your stylist for the best shampoo and conditioners depending on the hair type.
3. Don’t Overdo
Extensions Try to minimize excessive and complicated styling. Prolonged exposure to hot tools can damage your extensions and how they are attached to your hair. Make sure that the curling iron you use doesn’t come too close to the base of the extensions and it’s a big no-no to aggressive combing.
4. Brush Your Extensions
Brush your extensions before washing or sleeping in them. Use your hand to grip them at the base, making small downward strokes starting near the bottom and slowly working your way up. We recommend using a loop brush to gently remove any tangles without tugging or pulling.
Don't brush your extensions when they're wet. Your extensions are more vulnerable to tangling and breaking when they're wet or damp. We recommend letting your extensions air dry instead of using a blow dryer or other direct heat.
5. Conditioning Your Extensions
For the best result and to avoid product buildup, only use the professional conditioning products that are recommended by your stylist.
While the extensions are still wet, use a large-toothed styling comb to remove tangles. To minimize breakage, comb out the tangles in a gentle downward motion starting at the ends and working up to the weft base. Do not use a bristle brush on wet hair as it may pull out or break the hair.
Hang to air dry, set in rollers or use a blow dryer on a low setting. If using a blow dryer, avoid getting direct heat on the weft area.
6. Don’t Neglect Your Real Hair
Hair that hasn’t been maintained under a weave may begin to suffer from breakage or matting when the extensions are removed.
7. Remove Extensions
Extensions will damage your hair if left for too long. We should them in a timely fashion. We recommend redoing interlock sew-ins every 6 weeks and the braided sew-in version every 8 to 10 weeks.
8. Avoid Oils
If you have glue-on bonded extensions, oils will break down the extension glue. And that is something that you don’t want to happen until you are ready to remove your pieces.
9. Sleep In Silk
Even natural hair can become tangled and matted during a good night's rest. So to keep your extensions from being a disaster the next morning, sleep with silk satin bed sheets. We also recommend sleeping in with your hair in a soft ponytail to minimize their movements during the night, and only sleeping in them when they are completely dry.
10.Store Extensions Delicately
When you're not wearing your extensions, it can be tempting to toss them aside and forget about them until you're ready to wear them again. However, the way you store them between wears can have a significant impact on the lifespan of your extensions.
So when you're not wearing them, delicately hang them on a pant hanger or a baby coat hanger. This will preserve the life of your extensions, allow them to breathe and save them from tangles in between wears.
Whether you choose to wear your hair up, down, or maybe even side-to-side, extensions are a great option to add length and fullness to your style. So it’s important that you learn more to extend the life of your hair extensions.
If you choose to wear clip-in extensions, these will allow you to be flexible with your hairstyle, depending on your mood that day.
Tape and sew-in virgin hair extensions are alternative options for a more permanent style. All hair extensions can be used to fill out a bun, braid or ponytail. Or add extra length to your already existing locks.
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