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How To Do A Lace Frontal Sew In?

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Lace Frontal is the talk around town! Everyone wants a lace frontal because they look so flawless if applied properly it really looks like it is growing from your own scalp! Now, we received many reviews about how to sew in with a lace frontal from our customers. So, we will discuss this question to help more and more people in this article.

What Is A Lace Frontal?

A lace frontal is a hairpiece that encloses your head. Similar to a lace closure, but different in that a frontal covers the entire front of your head and hairline. With a lace frontal, you can pull your hair into a high bun or ponytail with no problem, and with it looking amazingly natural, like your real hair. Whereas you may be apprehensive about showing your edges, a lace frontal covers them and gives you a hairline.If you want to know more about lace frontal, you can read this article: All You Need To Know About Lace Frontal.

lace frontal

What Is Lace Frontal Sew-In?

The lace frontal sew-in is a sew-in closed in with a lace frontal. The lace frontal hairpiece is used to close in a sew-in weave across the front hairline. If someone is extremely thin around the front, balding, or just want a more natural sew-in look and do not want a full lace front wig they can get a lace frontal sew-in instead. So, if you are just looking for the lace frontal look, but have no interest in high ponytails etc. Well, this is a less expensive approach.

How To Sew In With A Lace Frontal?

Today, we’ll give you some tips on just how to sew-in your lace frontal at fraction of the cost and in closing, we’ll provide you with list pros and cons to sewing in and alternatively, gluing on your lace frontal!

Step 1

Braid all your hair. Sew tracks of weave hair to braided hair to create the shape of a circle.

Step 2

Place and correctly align your lace frontal on your head. Place the circle on your head where you plan to install your closure. Make the circle as big as the top of the tip of your middle finger.

Step 3

Using an old toothbrush, brush your baby hair out from under your lace frontal.

sew in lace frontal

Step 4

Roll up the track of lace frontal to fit inside the circle. Use a hair needle and thread to sew up the ends of the circle. Cut the tread and tie it up to close it together.

Step 5

Flip the sewn circle to the other side and separate the virgin hair bundles with closure on all sides. Lay the hair down flat. Place the hot iron in the middle to flatten the hair down. Make sure that the track stays flat and is natural looking. Apply the hot iron for about a minute at no more than 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 6

After I’m done sewing and the other steps above, I flip up the edges and apply my adhesive. That’s OK. The finished product.

Pros And Cons Of Sewing In Your Lace Frontal

Pros For Sew In Lace Frontal

♥ It's usually the cheapest option. In some cases, it can be much less expensive than other types of weaves and wig installs since it is a long-term choice.

♥ You’re able to experiment and style your hair weave in different ways, for example, straight one day, curly the next. Save your money on chemicals and perms and avoid damaging your own hair.

♥ Sew-ins protect your hair because it gets much-needed rest to grow healthier. Protect your real hair from the elements while the hair extension absorbs daily wear and tear.

♥ It is less damaging to your hairline if you don’t know how to apply and remove lace frontal adhesives.

It looks more natural and it feels more like your own hair because of its securely on your head for a longer period of time.

curly lace frontal

Cons For Sew In Lace Frontal

Let's be honest. It may appear costly up-front if you don’t know how to install your lace frontal yourself and need the service of a professional after forking out a small fortune for a good quality lace frontal.

If done incorrectly and your braids are too tight, you could run the risk of tension damage to your hair.

You’re stuck to one lace frontal longer and sew-ins can limit your up-do styles. Your hair weave bundles may be noticeable when you tie it up in a braid or ponytail.

Keep in mind that if you choose a low-quality lace frontal you could end up removing it earlier than you expected to.

And when you take out your lace frontal – if you use invisible thread – it can be difficult to tell the thread from your hair and you run the risk of cutting your real hair or destroying your lace frontal.

straight lace frontal

However, that’s pretty much all you need to get a flawless, natural looking lace frontal with bundles hair. Just be sure that your bundle hair and texture match with the lace frontal for a realistic appearance. You can style your hair in many different styles wearing the hair up or down, and part the hair making it look like it is growing right from your own scalp.

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