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The Ultimate Guide To Non-Remy Hair And How To Maintain

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Non-Remy hair is human hair that is collected from multiple sources. Non-Remy is sold in its raw state and also as a finished product. In raw form the cuticles are intact but they flow in opposite directions. This can cause tangling and quality issues if not processed properly.

Finished Non-Remy selections have had the cuticles descaled and all hairs are similar in length giving each piece a thick luscious appearance. Today, we will share with you the ultimate guide to non-remy hair and how we can take good care of non-remy hair extensions.

What Is Non-Remy Hair?

Non- Remy hair is also very popular as it is readily available and is cheaper than remy human hair. Non–Remy hair is not same direction cuticle – The hair cuticles are facing various directions, which causes the hair to tangle and matte quite easily. Which is difficult to comb and washing during using or process. Some suppliers use silicone coating to try to disguise this problem but non-remy hair will be back its original state after short times using.

Should You Buy Non-remy Hair Weave?

Much like the question about whether to buy remy hair weave extensions, the short answer is if you feel comfortable wearing non-remy weave hair, then yes you should.

remy hair vs non-remy hair

The Pros And Cons Of Non-remy Hair?

Before non-remy hair hits the market, it goes through a process called acid bath to remove most of the cuticles. Now due to the high acid concentration, it decreases the hair’s natural moisture which results in straw-like hair strands. To cover up this problem, the hair is then coated with silicon to help make it shiny and conceal any hair flaws or cuticle residues from the acid bath.

Pros Of Non-remy Hair

    • High in supply making it readily available.
    • Inexpensive compared to remy hair.

Cons Of Non-remy Hair

    • Cuticles flow in multiple directions causing inevitable shedding, tangling and matting problems.
    • Artificial hair shine from silicone coating can wear off over time after several hair washes.
    • Doesn’t last long and cannot be reused, unlike remy hair.
    • Non-remy hair doesn’t adapt to hair treatments and heat as cuticles are not intact or completely removed.

non remy hair weave

Two Kinds of Non-Remy Hair

Non-remy hair can be one of two things: 

1. Non-remy Hair with Cuticles: All of the strands of hair have cuticles, but the cuticles point in both directions (some upwards and some downwards).

2. Non-remy Hair without Cuticles: None of the hair strands have cuticles at all.

Which Kind of Non-Remy Hair Weave Tangles?

Non-remy Hair with Cuticles

If the Non-remy hair has cuticles which are pointing up and down - root to tip and tip to root it has a proclivity to tangle more often than remy hair as the cuticles on strands pointing upwards catch on the cuticles of strands pointing downwards.

Non-remy Hair without Cuticles

As this kind of non-remy hair has had the cuticles removed, it does not have a tendency to tangle significantly and you may even come across companies producing what they call "tangle-free non-remy hair". We don't really think it's possible as all hair tangles (remy and non-remy) because hair strands move and can become intertwined and therefore tangle. But back to the main point.

remy human hair

How To Maintain Non-remy Hair?

It's possible for many people to come across non-remy weave hair at some point, especially as non-remy weave hair is available in the exact same textures as remy weave hair extensions and if you do, here's how to care for it.

1. Don’t brush your hair right after your shower. When your hair is wet, the hair follicles are still too vulnerable to be touched.

2. Before shampooing your hair after the non-remy extensions have been applied, wait two days. This can supply the connecting substances to have the chance to set up.

3. Use a mild, non-sulfate shampoo or conditioner in your hair. Sulfate will disintegrate the connecting agent and cause the extensions to drop out. Before shampooing, always make detangle your hair.

4. Shampoo or conditioner the hair every single 2-3 days and nights. Excessively cleaning can quicken the break up of the bonds.

virgin remy wavy hair

5. After washing, dry your hair thoroughly. Getting to sleep with a moist head of hair can damage and tangle the extensions.

6. If you have sewn-in non-remy hair weave extensions then the care guidance found sew in remy virgin hair weave can be followed, along with using silicone based styling products to ensure that the hair retains its luster and sheen.

7. Keep the hair moisturized daily with oil-free sprays or moisturizers without mineral oils. There are plenty of plant-derived oils for hair that will help nourish and strengthen the hair. 

8. Fasten your own hair rear through the night by using a silk ribbon or even a gentle hairband. Obtaining your own hair could keep your hair from receiving dragged and twisted while you rest. By using a satin or silk pillowcase will also help your hair from snagging and breaking.

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