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Human Hair VS Synthetic Hair, Which is Better?

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When selecting your hair, it is often difficult to know which to choose. Which is best for you? Which one should you get? Maybe both them. Both are great choices for you depending on your lifestyle, budget, time, and needs. Human hair and synthetic hair both have advantages and disadvantages which make them the right choice at different times when we wear it.

However, as we all know, human hair is the best choice for hair extensions, hairpieces and wigs for it is the highest grade of real, human hair and it achieves the most natural look. But, someone may be like synthetic hair.

So understanding the differences between human hair and synthetic hair is very important which is a good starting point for selecting the perfect hairstyle. What is human hair? What is synthetic hair? What are the differences between human hair and synthetic hair? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of hair? Today we will help you here.

1. Human Hair

If you are looking for the most natural looking and feeling hair, human hair is the right choice for you. It comes with beautiful shine and movement that is not easily duplicated in synthetic hair. This type of hair extension can be styled with a curling iron, blow-dryer, hot roller or ceramic straightener, and other styling products. It can also be cut and styled – depending on your personal taste.

curly human hair

2. Synthetic Hair

Synthetic hair comes with an unnatural shine, it is not versatile. It cannot be styled into different hairstyles or withstand heat, even heat friendly synthetics can be very difficult to style. Synthetic hair is less durable than human hair. Washing and brushing contribute to the breakdown of the silicone coating, this will result in the hair stand to swell and become matting and tangling.

3. Difference Between Human Hair And Synthetic Hair

1)Average Cost

Human hair is more expensive than synthetic hair.


Human hair takes more time and effort but gives you more styling options.You may need to visit a professional stylist to get the look you want if it's not box ready to wear. Synthetic hair is permanent styling. Ready to wear style straight out of the box. Requires little to no restyling even after a wash.


Human hair takes more time and effort. Some may consider visiting a hair salon. Synthetic hair has low maintenance. You can easily do it yourself.


Human hair can last up to 5 years or more depending on care and maintenance. For Synthetic hair, good quality ones could last 4-8 months or less. Lower quality ones may last 4-6 weeks.


Human hair will be color fades over time but can be colored and permed. However, results may not match original. Synthetic hair can retain its bright color permanently.


Human hair looks and feels natural. The better the quality of Synthetic hair, the more real it looks.


Human hair is safe. You can curl, blow-dry, flatiron, and crimp without doing any damage to it. Synthetic hair is damaged easily by heat. While there are some Heat Friendly synthetic hair, it is still hard to style them due the nature of synthetic fibers.


Human hair can feel heavier than synthetic hair of a similar length and style.

remy human hair weave

4. Advantages And Disadvantages

1)Advantages of Human Hair

◆Styling Versatility:The most exciting and fun part of purchasing a hairpiece is choosing a style. Remember that it is important to take your hair to a stylist who is experienced in dealing with human hair bundles if you want to change the style what you like.

◆Texture:Human hair come in a variety of textures, such as straight hair, curly hair and wave hair, so you can match your own hair texture very closely.

◆Comfortable to Wear: Human hair is generally of good quality which also means they're comfortable to wear. This is very important because you shouldn't feel any discomfort while wearing it.

◆Longevity:With the proper maintenance, human hair can last a year or more when you wore daily.

◆Natural Look:Human hair feels wonderful and can look incredibly natural. It can enhance your beauty and like your real hair.

2)Disadvantages of Human Hair

◆High Maintenance:Just like your real hair, human hair needs to be washed, deep-conditioned and re-styled frequently.

◆Cost:Because they are harvested from human hair, they are typically more expensive.

◆Color Variation:It is difficult to replicate an exact color when you replace a human hair or wish to purchase a back up of the same style.

◆Reacts to Weather:Like your own hair would, human hair react to the weather and can become frizzy, limp or dry depending on the weather. 

◆Color Fading:The color of human hair will oxidize or fade with exposure to light.

◆Breakable:The hair will incur damage if subjected to harsh brushing, back-combing or overuse of heated styling tools.

straight human hair

3)Advantage of Synthetic Hair

◆Easy Care: Synthetic hair is easy to take care of. They require very little maintenance. Because synthetic hair never has to be styled. You simply wash, dry and then shake them out, and the wig will return to its initial style.

◆Style Memory: Synthetic hair holds its style regardless of the weather.

◆Multifunctional: You can try out various colors and styles without the need to see a hair stylist by purchasing multiple synthetic hair.

◆Large Color Selection: The sky is the limit where colors are concerned. You can choose from an array of natural colors, as well as several fantasy colors.

◆Natural Looking: If you purchase a high-quality synthetic hair, it is very difficult to tell the difference between synthetic hair and one from real human hair.

4)Disadvantages of Synthetic Hair

◆Shine: Some lower-quality synthetic hair may have an unnatural shine.

◆Longevity: Synthetic hair doesn’t last as long as 100% human hair. They typically last about 4-6 months even 4-6 weeks with daily wear.

◆Less Versatility: Synthetic hair can’t be straightened or curled with heated styling tools unless it is a specifically designed "heat friendly" synthetic hair.

◆Cannot Change Color: Recoloring is not recommended for synthetic hair and traditional hair color will not adhere to the fibers.

Now, you know the differences between human hair and synthetic hair. According to your lifestyle, budget, time, and needs that you have learned how to choose the best hair for you.

Of course, Julia Hair Mall recommends you buy 100% human hair weaves, they behave, look, and feel like your natural hair. For quality, human hair is all 100% virgin Remy hair from India, Brazilian, Malaysian and Peruvian that are sure to give you luxurious long locks. Customization service creates your unique beauty!

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