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How To Use Human Braiding Hair For Hairstyling

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how to use human braiding hair

Hair is an important part of the personality. A little change in hairstyle can have an impact on the overall look. Whether it is a party or everyday styling, making a nice weave hairstyle is the desire of every woman.

When it comes to styling, we often search through the internet for trendy hairstyles. But, ends up at disappointment because we cannot get the same volume as shown in the pictures. Why this is so? This is because we are lacking some helping stuff to make that hairstyle. By helping stuff, we mean human braiding hair.

Julia hair is a hair vendor company that provides you with various human braiding styles. These human braiding hairs are easy to style with your real hair. It comes in various styles, textures, colours, and quality. Here are a few human braiding hair types that could be used to make various hairdos.

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Brazilian weave hair

This beautiful weave hair comes in various lengths to meet your need. To bring best out of this hair soak them in water and do conditioning before using. Comb the bundles with a wide-toothed comb. As it is purely human braiding hair, they can be straightened with a hot iron or curled as desired. Using a little oil to this hair will help to do styling easily. Hair colour is natural and is light in weight so you can carry all day long without hurting your neck.

Brazilian hair can be used to make gorgeous box braids. It nicely intermingles with your natural hair giving your hair volume and length. Don’t worry if you have short hair this wave hair bundles will fulfil your wish of having long hair. It doesn’t feel heavy to the head and almost three bundles are enough for proper hair styling. Waved human braiding hair can also be used in a double French braid. French braids are made with your hair and braiding hair is added in the way and left unbraided at the end with their curly pattern. This style looks cool in the splashing heat of summer as the hair is neatly managed giving organized look.

body wave hair wig

Deep curly hair

The deep curly human hair is available in variable lengths. This will let you do numerous styles matching your personality. Per bundle weighs 100 grams. Very silky to touch and blend in your hair to give a natural look. 3 bundles are enough for a hairstyle. It feels light and is shedding free. Tangling of human braiding hair is the most encountered problem. Even though, this hair is used several times but doesn’t get tangled. You can dye the hair, curl or straight them as well. Handle these curly human braiding hairs with care. In this way, they could last longer if washed and combed carefully.

You can keep hair partly open and partly braided. Therefore, such human braiding hair allows you to style in different ways. Braid your hair and add the human braiding hair in the way and left some of the curly texture unbraided. You can also make lemonade braid style. The braids start from the scalp and converge at the top of the head into a ponytail. Very precise and elegant style to carry every day.

curly hair wig

Micro braiding hair

Micro braiding gives you tight locks that make your hair look volumized. Three bundles of this human braiding hair are enough for getting a beautiful braiding hairstyle. The bundles come in various sizes and natural hair colour. You can also wash, dye, straighten, or curl the hair like natural ones. The micro human braiding hair is of good quality real hair without any artificial mixing. You don’t need to fear from hair shedding even after frequent use. It lasts longer with little care. Comb with a wide-tooth comb to avoid tangles.

Micro braiding gives high detail texture to the hair. You can make an amazing high bun on top of the head or a long ponytail with micro braiding hair. Leave the braids as such or side-swept for a more stylish look. It starts with your real hair from the scalp then combines with micro human braiding hair.

burgundy straight wigs with bangs

Kinky braiding hair

This zigzag human braiding hair is best to add volume to the hair. Moreover, they give a natural look and can be dyed. Very light in weight to carry and doesn’t give any bad smell. You can wash and do conditioning before using them to see the full length of the hair. Also, while styling you can use hair mousse or oil to style them properly. If your real sew in hair is already kinky it will help to boost the texture. You can go for a natural braided updo. With braids on the sides of the scalp and fluffy updo in the middle of the head. Such human braiding hair helps in styling while going to a wedding party or at a formal occasion. Despite this kinky human braiding hair is also useful in crotchet braiding.

Straight braiding hair

Straight human braiding hair is easy to manage as you don’t need to indulge in straightening or conditioning. As this hair is silky, smooth, parting them becomes easy for braiding. However, you can make a single thick braid in different styles by adding straight human braiding hair. This style compliments the princess-like gowns and frocks. This hair comes in differently dyed colours. Even though, you can get the streaked ones to add drama to the hair texture. You just need to keep them clean by washing and combing properly.

straight wave hair wig


So here we have different types of human braiding hair and their uses in making different hairstyles. It not just enhances your personality but let you play with different styles. It volumizes hair thus good for those with thin or less dense hair. Julia hair provides you with the best product with guaranteed human hair use in the bundles. Each bundle is made with hair from a single donor. Therefore, it helps to minimize the difference and maximize matching with your hair as much as possible. 

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