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How to Solve your Hair Loss in Autumn

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Last updated Jun 17, 2020

When looking out our windows at the trees in the parks and the trees which line the streets, we can notice dramatically that the seasons are changing and autumn is well and truly here. I also often get questions about a lot of women worried about their hair loss in the autumn. And many women conscious the importance of how to solve their hair loss when the alternation of seasons.

As to your skin, your virgin hair weave bundles need carefully protect also when the autumn is coming. You want to do your best to keep your human hair weaves healthy and raise the confidence of yourselves. So I thought of writing this article to make you easily take care of your hair. And make your hair extensions reduce hair loss and keep health, beauty and long lasting. Now we can share Julia hair mall’s care tips of your virgin human hair and help you to solve the problem of hair loss.

1.Use the right comb

Combing your hair can be a nightmare when you are dealing with hair loss. This can be made easier by using the right comb. Use a wooden wide-tooth comb to untangle your hair; you can use your regular brush after this. This will reduce breakage and hair loss from pulling. It is also crucial to remember not to comb your hair while it is wet. You should also clean your combs and brushes every week. Cleaning your combs is a necessary precaution to take for hair fall control.

2.Wash your hair twice a week

Wash your hair at least once every three days with a gentle hair cleanser or shampoo to remove all the accumulated dust, dirt, oil, and bacteria build up. Keep it clean at all times to avoid hair fall from clogged follicles. It is also important not to wash your hair more than twice a week. Over-washing will strip your scalp and hair of the natural oils that are essential for healthy hair growth.

3.Dry your hair the right way

While rubbing your hair with a towel seems like the quickest way to dry it, it is also the worst thing that you could do to your hair. Drying your hair vigorously with a towel will lead to hair breakage, tangles, and pulling. Instead, gently squeeze out the excess moisture from your hair with your towel and then let it dry naturally.

4.Choose your hair products wisely

Try to switch to shampoos that are sulfate, silicone to avoid loading your scalp and hair with harsh chemicals that cause damage, making your hair brittle and more prone to breakage. Controlling the chemical damage is certainly a sure shot way to ensure hair loss prevention.

5.Style your hair right

Do not subject your hair to frequent chemical treatments, excessive blow drying, ironing, and coloring, as it can lead to hair loss. If you color your hair and have been facing hair fall issues, it would be a good idea to take a short break before you put any more chemicals in your hair. Avoid hairstyles like tight ponytails, pigtails or braids on a daily basis. Using hair elastics to pull back hair tightly can cause hair fall.

6.Keep your scalp healthy

If you have issues like dandruff or an oily dry scalp, you need to tackle these issues immediately. Scalp health is vital to healthy hair growth and for avoiding hair fall.

We hope the bellow hair care tips be useful for you. However, no matter your Malaysian deep wave hair or Peruvian curly hair, all hair types you can avoid hair fall and make your unique beauty.

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