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How To Revive Your Old Weave Hair

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hair weave bundles

No matter what type of hair weave you buy, they all have a limited amount of time that they are proposed to last. There will be a point where it may begin looking brittle, dull, or tangled. Most people decide this is the time to go out and buy new hair, but there are a few methods I use to transform old damaged weave into silky, lustrous weave hair.

Virgin human weave hair is an investment. So we must reuse our weave hair. Here's a way to bring your weave back to life and prep it for your next install, extending the lifetime of your weave while saving you some coins. You can revive even the most lifeless of weaves. Keep on reading for our steps plan to revive your weave.

1.Are Our Weave Hair Extensions Ruined?

◆Your virgin hair may look as though they're "finished"but they're not, all they require is some TLC with a few revival steps.

◆A rejuvenating extensive hair treatment will help even those hair bundles that are extensively damaged.

◆Whether your hair weaves are dry and frizzy, knotty, matted, brittle or anything in between, all is not lost with the use of a shampoo treatment.

human hair extensions

2.Why Are Our Weave Hair Extensions Dry And Tangled?

There could be several reasons why your virgin weave hair bundles aren't looking their best, the following are the most common reasons:

Poor quality hair

Wigs on the market are mixed. If the hair extensions you buy are synthetic or over-processed, they are of poor quality, worn for a short time, and are easily damaged. Please look for a quality-assured wig brand.

Lack of natural oil

Hard water exposure

Hard water has high mineral content, which can cause your hair to dry out quickly and cause it to fade, severely damaging your human hair extensions.

Sun exposure

Direct exposure to the sun is also often extremely damaging to our hair, and without proper extension care, our hair can dry out and become brittle over time.


Great for the swimming pool but not for your hair bundles with closure hair, it contributes to your Remy hair becoming unmanageable.


This can also damage your weaves, the same way both chlorine and hard water do. These factors affect the quality of both your natural hair and human hair weave.

human hair weave

3.How To Revive Your Weave Hair Extensions?

What You Will Need

◆Plastic bag

◆Deep conditioner

◆Warm water

◆Moisturizing shampoo

◆Leave-in conditioner

◆Wide tooth comb or brush

◆Small bucket or bowl

Step-by-step: Revive Weave Hair

Step 1: Detangle Your Weave Hair Extensions

Use your hand to detangle the weave first to get rid of those silly knots and then follow with a wide tooth comb or brush. Be careful to comb from the ends of the hair towards the weft so you don't rip out the strands from the weft. Also, it's important to detangle the hair while it's dry so do not add water yet but if the situation is really bad, you can use a little conditioner to provide a bit of slip-up to make detangling easier.

Step 2: Roll Up Your Weave Hair Extensions

Roll up the hair in the same way it was bought (ie with all the wefts together) and put in a bucket or bowl of warm water with the weft part facing up.

Step 3: Shampoo Your Weave Hair Extensions

Add a moisturizing shampoo and rub gently into hair. Do NOT wash your hair like a pair of jeans as that will only make it more tangled. Rinse hair and gently squeeze out any excess water.

Step 4: Deep Conditioner Your Weave Hair Extensions

Apply your deep conditioner generously and put hair in a plastic bag. Let it sit for 20-30mins or better still, let it sit overnight to achieve maximum conditioning(I personally prefer doing this)

Step 5: Dry Your Weave Hair Extensions

Rinse hair with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel. Use your leave-in conditioner and hang to air dry. You can use a blow dryer (on low heat) if you must.

Step 6: Final

If you want to switch up the look of your hair, you can achieve curls with the use of rollers or get straight look with a flat iron. Make sure to use a heat protectant first before applying heat to your human hair.

Once the hair is washed, conditioned, and dried, your hair should look and feel revitalized! It is ready for another install, or to be kept in a few weeks longer.

4.Attention Matters About Your Weave Hair Extensions

◆Note that if your weave was severely damaged, you may need special products if at all to revive it.

◆Also, a tip to note is that if you sleep in your weave hair, it is advisable to put on a satin bonnet or sleep on a satin pillowcase.

◆Make sure you rinse your hair weave well (the apple cider vinegar smells quite strong) Treat your hair weave like your own hair.

◆Taking proper care of your weaves is what will guarantee that you get the most out of them. There's really no use spending your coins on good weaves and then damaging them due to lack of proper care.


Reviving a weave hair that has lost its shine can be troublesome as removing the weave and then re-installing it after the hair has been treated is a tedious task. This could take quite a few hours and if you are in a hurry, it might not be the best option. Fortunately, you can still revive your hair weave bundles without removing it first. Simply follow the above steps we've outlined in this guide and your weave hair will be restored to its original glory.

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