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How To Install Lace Frontal Wig?

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human hair lace frontal wig

Many people love lace front wigs for their versatility and believability. The lace at the front mimics a natural hairline, allowing you to pull the wig away from your face in a variety of hairstyles. Applying a lace front wig is easy and fast. But it works only when you apply it properly. If you follow the right step of lace front wigs Installation. Once your wig is correctly installed, you can apply any hairstyle to it.

What are lace front wigs?

Lace front wigs or front lace wigs, as they are sometimes called, are a variation of Lace Wigs. They are extremely popular among our clients and among people who wear human hair wigs in general. Lace wigs can be classified by their mesh appearance that adds a greater realism to your wig. 

what is lace frontal wig

Front lace wigs are so named because the sheer lace that makes up the wig is located in the front part (the part that rests on the forehead) of the wig. These lace frontal wigs are ideal and extremely popular because it will appear as if you have a natural hairline in front, even if you are wearing a front lace wig.

These wigs are extremely beneficial to have. Lace wigs are popular because they look exceedingly natural, and in most cases, a bystander would be none the wiser that you have a wig on. However, this does not mean that you can treat it the same way you would your regular hair.

What Things You Will Need

    • Flesh-colored wig cap
    • Bobby Pins
    • Hair clips
    • Scissors
    • Isopropyl alcohol
    • Scalp Protector
    • Wig Tape
    • Wig adhesive
    • Cotton swab

human hair lace frontal wig

How to Make Lace Front Wig Install in Easy Steps?

Step 1: Flatten Your Hair

The flatter your hair is against your head, the better the wig will look. You can mesh short hair into cornrows or shape it against your head utilizing gel and bobby pins. For long hair, to start with, tie your hair in a low ponytail. Next, wrap the ponytail into a level bun and secure it with bobby pins.

Step 2: Place Wig Cap

Whether you buy a French or Swiss-lace wig, cutting the lace will be a delicate process. Before you begin, place a wig cap (flesh-toned for a realistic look) over your hair and situate the wig. Mark where you want the wig to sit on your forehead with something erasable, like a liquid liner.

Step 3: Prepare Your Skin

Wash your skin with a fine chemical and smear it dry with a towel. Next, touch some rubbing liquor on a cotton ball and wipe it along with your hairline. This will evacuate the abundance oils on your skin. If you have touchy skin, you can apply a scalp-protecting serum in the wake of utilizing the rubbing alcohol.

straight hair lace frontal wig

Step 4: Test The Fit of The Wig

Before you apply any glue, you have to ensure the wig fits properly. To do so, put the wig on your head and line it up with your natural hairline. If the wig has to fix ties within, you may need to adjust these for a proper fit. If the wig doesn't fit and it doesn't have any fixing ties, contact the maker for help. If you can feel a solid ring of weight around your scalp, the wig is too tight. Release the lashes slightly. If the wig slides around when you move your head, the wig is too free. Fix the lashes.

Step 5: Trim the Lace

Once your wig fits correctly, you have to trim the lace. Utilize a couple of clasps to pull the hair far from your face. Next, using sharp pinking shears, trim the lace along your natural hairline. You should leave around 1/8 inch (3 mm) of lace. This will just must be done the first time when you wear the wig.

Step 6: Apply Lace Frontal Wig Properly

Precisely pull the wig off, leaving all the clips in, and set the wig on a clean flat surface. Arrange the wig in such manner so it easy to see that which part goes on the hairline and which part goes on the scruff of the neck. If you have to loosen any straps to get the wig off, your wig is too tight.

curly hair lace frontal wig

Step 7: Style Your Hair

Most wigs come styled. However, you can alter this by cutting and styling it yourself. Purchase 100% human hair wigs and you can use regular brushes, hot styling tools, and hair products. If your wig is synthetic, avoid using regular brushes and hot styling tools. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb or wig brush to adjust your hair.

Video Tutorials

Here is a great protective style for natural hair for these colder months! In this video, we will show you how to install a lace frontal wig by yourself.

What are the benefits of using a lace front wig?

1. Realistic Appearance

The hair strands of a lace front wig are attached securely to a wig cap. This is almost invisible to the naked eye when worn on the head.

2. Style Versatility

You can part your hair anywhere you want without worrying that an unattractive base will be visible to other people.

3. Breathability

Regular wigs make people feel hot and uncomfortable especially after prolonged use, for the wig cap is too solid and does not allow the scalp to breathe. However, if you use lace front wigs, you won’t have this trouble because the lace material is so sheer. It allows the scalp to breathe. And, it would actually feel that it wasn’t there at all.

4. Durability

The modern lace front wigs are extremely durable. With proper care, they can last upward of six months to a year. It is recommended to buy the proper wigs and take care of them.


Following above steps will make your way easy for Lace front wig installation. The Human Hair Lace Front Wigs are available in every length, size and color. If you are looking forward to buying these wigs you can get them in the huge variety, even in the styles worn by celebs. People want wigs that are ready to wear and those that can give a natural look. The lace front wigs are the best for this purpose. 

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