The first weaves were used in the ethnic community and have grown to be used by women of all types of hair. Nowadays, with the increasing demand in the hair industry, there are a lot of hair companies online selling various types of hair weaves. Sometimes it is a little confusing for women to look for the best hair weaves for the hairstyle.
To make sure you find the one that works perfectly, please follow our guide in this blog, I am sure you will find the right hair weave for your hair.
Once you know the answers to these questions this will determine the size and density of the weave, the amount of hair, and the texture. Then you determine if you want a lace front that goes on the front of the piece and looks like it’s growing out of your scalp.
What is Your Hair Type?
If you plan on leaving some of your hair out and blending it with the weave, that may determine what type of hair you get as well.Don't get silky–silky hair if you have type kinky hair because it’s going to be a pain to blend.You'll end up flat ironing your hair every day and damage your hair.You also want to get a color that is the same color as your hair.
If your hair is black don't get the blonde weave because I guarantee, you will look a mess. However, if you are getting a closure or a full weave then the texture and color won't matter.
What Is The Best Type Of Weave?
No doubt, virgin hair weave is the best type of weave. Virgin hair has not been processed and dyed. Virgin hair is simply cut from the donor’s head and packaged. Virgin hair weave looks healthy with your physical appearance. Besides, virgin hair weave is very smooth, bright, and soft. And, by using virgin hair weave, you will enjoy the fully tangle-free through its lifetime.
What Types Of Hair Is Suit For You Best?
Black women have many different textures of hair; luckily there’s a variety of different textures and types of weave that can suit just about any texture. The most sought-after types of weave are Brazilian, Peruvian, Malaysian and Indian hair.
Each type of weave is characterized by a particular texture and comes in multiple wave patterns including straight, wavy, deep wave or tight curly.
Brazilian Hair: Brazilian hair is thicker in density than Indian hair. Because of this, you may not want to use as many bundles to create a full look. Brazilian hair is also versatile – it may come straight, curly or wavy.
Indian Hair: Indian hair is generally thick but not heavy, wavy and full – a good option if you like to wear your hair both wavy and straight because both looks can be achieved with this hair type.
Malaysian Hair: Though there are slight variations in each, Malaysian hair types are typically sleeker and straighter than Indian and Brazilian hair, and are lighter in density. These hair types are a good choice if you have fine hair and are looking for something that will blend well.
Peruvian Hair: Peruvian hair is sought after quite a bit because of its multi-purpose texture. This hair blends perfectly with African American, relaxed and natural as well as medium, coarse caucasian hair textures. Peruvian hair is lightweight, free-flowing and luxurious.
How to Tell if the Hair Is Real Virgin Hair?
1. Chemical Check
Make sure the hair has no chemicals left in it. If it is true virgin hair, it should have no chemicals at all. You can do a sniff test to see if you can pick up any odors from a perm or relaxing. Another method is to apply a dime sized amount of neutralizing shampoo and massage into the hair. If it turns pink, it means the hair has been chemically treated.
2. Cuticle Check</strong
100% virgin hair should have cuticles. If it does not, the cuticles have been stripped, usually with an acid bath. You can check for cuticles by running your finger down the length of the hair. The hair should feel smooth going down, but you should experience some resistance as you move your hand up the shaft.
3. Smoke Check</strong
Take a match or lighter and light the ends of the hair. Human hair should burn with white smoke and turn to ash. Synthetic hair will burn with black smoke and have a sticky texture.
4. The "too-perfect" Check
Virgin hair is taken straight from the scalp of donors and should have some irregularities in it. If the hair seems "too perfect" then it probably is.
What Do You Consider To Choose Hair Weave?
Consider the Texture of Your Hair
Needless to say, you will have to buy hair weaves according to the texture of your hair. Consider the texture of your hair, is your hair straight, wavy or curly? Choose your hair extensions according to the texture of your hair, avoid wearing curly extensions if you have straight or wavy hair as it will not look attractive and may even be difficult for you to manage.
Consider Your Hair Color
Choosing the right color for your hair weaves is an important process of achieving a naturally beautiful look. You can find hair weaves in a variety of colors and shades. For example, you can find numerous shades of black, some that even have a faded appearance. Unless you are going for an ombre or dramatic look, it is best that you stick to hair weaves that match your hair color as closely as possible.
Consider the Ideal Length
Here's where you can choose whatever look you are comfortable with, if you have always wanted to try short hair and are comfortable with a short hair length then this is your time to shine. However, if you are like sticking to longer locks then you and go ahead and be adventurous with your longer hair weaves.
Consider the Material of Hair Weaves
Depending on your budget and personal choice, you can choose between human hair and synthetic hair. Keep in mind that synthetic hair is less expensive when compared to human hair. Synthetic hair is the perfect solution for you if you want a quick fix-up or if you are on a tight budget.
In a word, getting a virgin hair weave is the best choice for you when you are looking to change your look. we offer 100% virgin hair that comes is many textures and are all high quality. Choose from our different styles and length online. You should always feel great about your appearance.
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