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How Long Does Your Virgin Hair Last Long?

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It is a question for everyone want to know.Virgin hair now is most popular, because it can not make your hair beautiful, also can build new spirits and look confident. Single drawn is ones, it has various length that makes it look natural.

Except Brazilian hair is one of most popular. Malaysian, Peruvian and Indian virgin hair was also more and more popular. It is good for wig and extensions. So many people cost it expensive and want to use for a long time, today, we will discuss this problem that how long your virgin hair last longer and how to make virgin hair last longer.

virgin hair last longer

What Is Virgin Hair?

Virgin Hair is not chemically processed for color or texture. This means the hair has not been permed, dyed, colored, bleached or chemically processed in any way. Virgin Hair is very soft and 100% natural. The color of virgin hair is called natural because it is not processed for color. The natural hair color of virgin Indian, Brazilian, Peruvian and Malaysian virgin hair ranges from very dark to medium brown in color.

The texture of virgin hair is generally straight, wavy or curly in texture. However, any hair that has been chemically processed for texture, for example, yaki body wave or curly is no longer virgin. Sometimes, virgin hair texture may be altered, i.e., steamed to make curls and waves using a high pressure and heat method. The hair is still considered as the virgin because no chemical processing is used. If Remy hair has been colored, it is chemically processed and no longer considered virgin.

virgin remy hair

How Long Does Your Virgin Hair Last Long?

This natural hair can last at least 1-2 years of high quality. This type usually is no tangling. If you brush virgin hair very often and regularly wash it with shampoo and conditioner, it could last over a year. And remember always wash in the same direction with the shampoo and conditioner for dry hair and don’t use hair wash with alcohol. Avoid excessive use of heat stylers.

Our virgin hair lasts up to 6 months. With proper care, our hair can last longer. But It really depends on the texture and your care of the hair. Your hair can last up to 1-2 years with proper care. The virgin curly, kinky curly, bushy textures tend to not last as long as the straight and natural wavy due to over brushing and over combing. But you should still get 6month to a full year out of your hair and possibly longer.

How To Make Your Virgin Hair Last Long?

Proper care can be made your virgin hair last for a long time. Whatever hair you got. Proper maintenance is key for long lasting.

hair care procedure

Care Tips For Virgin Hair

1. Always brush your hair before going to bed. Always use a wide tooth brush or detangling comb and gently brush the hair while holding it down with your other hand to prevent unnecessary tension and pulling.  

2. Before shampooing your hair, always detangle it. Always wash your hair gently in a downward motion using your fingers. Do not scrub or bunch hair together as this will cause the cuticles to open up and rub against each other which would then cause tangling.

3. Always condition your hair with a moisturizing conditioner. This alone will make a huge difference.

4. Every 4 times or so you wash your hair, add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your shampoo water, apple cider vinegar will clarify, add shine and remove buildup from your hair.

5. You can also condition wash you virgin hair, this means skipping the shampoo and using your conditioner just like you would your shampoo.

6. If possible, be patient with your virgin hair weave and let it air dry after washing it.

7. Apply a small amount of coconut oil 2 to 3 times per week as required.

8. Avoid alcohol-based products for your hair as alcohol is very drying to the hair.

9.Moisturize your hair as needed with high-quality leave in moisturizers and conditioners.

10. Never sleep with a wet hair. Always ensure that your hair is completely dry before you go to bed.

11. Last but not least, Julia virgin hair weaves are very high quality, very little product is needed. Do not weight down your hair by using the too much unnecessary product.

Warning Tips

When Washing Your Virgin Hair

  • Make sure hair is completely combed through and detangled before washing.
  • Wash with cool to warm water.
  • Make sure hairs are being washed in one direction (from scalp to ends) and avoid circular motions! This can lead to tangling. Always use a moisturizing non-sulfate shampoo and conditioner.
  • When conditioner is on the hair, leave it on for approximately five minutes, and then comb through the hair starting from the ends. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Squeeze out excess water and blow dry gently. Do not towel rub or twist the hair to dry.

Trick Tip: Use Dawn dish detergent to wash hair weave only when your hair is extremely oily.

When Styling Your Virgin Hair
  • Do not overuse products on the hair.
  • Too much leave-in conditioner and other hair care product will create a build-up of the hair and will cause it to tangle.
  • The great thing about Virgin Human Hair is that you can style it as you would your own hair. You can color or perm the hair. We suggest that you use a professional colorist that has worked with virgin hair before or we suggest you use a cream coloring system that isn’t as harsh on the hairs.
  • For Curly hair, be sure to brush the hair gently always from the bottom to the top daily and apply a leave-in conditioner.

 Trick Tip: Chi Silk Infusion to detangle hair

If you follow all of the above instructions, your beautiful virgin hair should last between 1-2 years, and you shouldn’t have any shedding or tangling issues.

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