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Best Curly Headband Wig Unboxing Reviews & Styles By Msnaturally Mary

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curly headband wig unboxing reviews

Hey guys, welcome back to my channel miss naturally mary here today. I'm starting the video with a hat-on because my hair looks kind of crazy right now, but we're going to get it together before the end of this video.

Video Tutorial

You can see the video first, the Curly Hair Headband Wig, NO GLUE, NO GEL, NO LACE | Great PROTECTIVE STYLE Natural Hair Wig.

Love Julia Curly Headband Wig

I am going to be showing you all headband wig and this one is in the curly texture and I love love love headband wigs with the curly texture. This one is by Julia Hair. You all absolutely loved so I'm really excited to see what this unit is going to look like.

I have been rocking a curly hair headband look like every single day. That is my go-to all the other textures are really great as well but the kinky curly natural hair wig look that's more my speed. So these are all the headbands that it came with and I don't know if any of these are going to match my top and I don't know this top just called for me and it's so stunning guys.

Variety and Cute Free Headband

It was super affordable but it looks so good, so this is the first headband it has this cherry design on it really cute and girly. It's really pretty has a satin material and then this one with this black and white print is really cool.

You do get a sense of the hair bands that come in the packaging many companies send those for free. Now all companies don't do that but I believe Julia Hair is one of those companies that do provide additional heavily. This one is a pearl one.

Unboxing Reviews And The Details Of The Curly Headband Wig

curly headband wig

Let's see this headband wig, it's actually a half wig if it doesn't have the headband in the front, so this is going to be the first curly textured headband wig that I actually have a headband attached now.

You can wear this black headband, but if you get a headband that's a little more narrow like maybe that pearl headband that they sent earlier, you can just fold this headband and put it on and then put your other headband on top and that'll help to cover this black band.

This is the velcro attachment that's used to secure your headband. You just place it on top and then it's nice and secure. It also comes with additional combs now, this comb at the top, I typically do not use because it creates a great deal of tension at the top of my head.

It does have a comb at the bottom now this one doesn't have combs on the side. I really wish it did because those are the combs that I usually use, but we'll figure out how to make it work.

This curly texture is really beautiful in that it looks right out of the package and it does look like a natural color rather than color 1b, so it does have a brown tint to it. You can always just dye it black if you want it to be darker.

In length 24, it's rather long. It's probably the longest that I've gotten any of my headband wigs. This is the Malaysian curly texture, it feels really soft and I like the curl pattern. It does seem to have some layers in the hair.

How To Install My Headband Wig?

headband curly hair wig

Slick The Edges

I don't have my edges done or anything that's literally why I put the hat on because my hair is braided down under and then I just have this portion left out and tucked under. I'm gonna slick my edges down first and then actually begin installing the unit.

Use the hair products to make hair conditioning, it's very moisturizing and it helps to slip my edges down and allows for me to mold and manipulate my hair to get it the way. Then I apply a more strong hold product on top. So I'll either apply glue gel or some eco styler on top.

Condition And Detangle My Headband Wig

I'll probably just leave some of the conditioners in the hair as my styler that's what I generally do with this type of curly texture. I'm going to show you all the process of actually slicking down my edges and everything, and then I'll come back on after I’ve washed and defined the curls with my detangling brush and this is the detangling brush.

Dry My Headband Wig

My edges are nice and sleek. I'm gonna begin installing the unit. I was hoping that the curls would be a little more defined and tight. It is still wet I'm actually gonna put my diffuser on the inside of the unit and dry it a bit before putting on my hair because it is still very wet. Now I'm going to attach the velcro in the back and be very careful and the hair felt much better after using that product.

I’m going to diffuse the curls and let them air dry. I feel like my curly texture units just look so much better. The curls look very very beautiful when it has dried. A kinky curly or natural hair curl pattern that would match my texture and the hair does feel very soft.

How To Style My Headband Wig?

Use The Variety Of Beautiful Headband

curly wig with headband

I add my headband over this one. This headband wig I am gonna use this head wrap that i got from the natural me. I really like the style of this one because it's so versatile and you can actually use this part of it to pull your hair up in the back.

You could also wear it as a headband in the front, there's just so many different things that you can do with it and it's a solid color that matches this bold print top, so we're going to try it out with this hairband.

The head wrap like this I should be able to cover the black headband and put it on the width of this headband doesn't fully cover the black. It’s so cute and I love these hair wraps so much. You can see the long beautiful curly hair. It looks like a really good natural hair wig for real.

High Ponytail, Natural Updo And Top Knot

Now let's try putting it up, I've been wanting to try this style, let's do a ponytail first, with a curly texture unit and then I want to try a high bun. How well does this top knot look? It turned out so well, I love the versatility of this unit as well as how it looked paired with this head wrap.

Below you can see the pictures to enjoy the different styles.

1. High Ponytail

high ponytail

2. Natural Hair Updo

natural hair updo

3. Top Knot Bun

top knot bun

I was able to do so many styles with it. I didn't show you guys all the styles that I could do with this wig, but I do have other headbands with tutorials on my channel. With so many different styling options, so be sure to check those out. I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial. Let me know which style was your favorite and what you all think about this beautiful headband wig in this gorgeous lip and texture.

Julia Hair will be having a 4th Anniversary Sale in May. It’s her 4th Birthday, I look forward to your comments and feedback and I'll see you all in my next tutorial.

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