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Beginner Guide To Types Of Hair Porosity

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You may have the trouble that it takes a while for your hair to become wet in the shower, or even completely under the shower water; or after applying curling cream or hair conditioner, your hair will become dry within a day. This may have a direct link to your hair curl type, but also to hair porosity.

1.What Is Hair Porosity?

Simply put, porosity refers to the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture and products. There are three levels of porosity: low, medium, and high. Hair consists of three layers. These layers include:

1) Cuticle:This is the hair's hard, protective outer layer, which is made up of smaller cuticles that overlap each other, similar to shingles on a roof.

2) Cortex:This is the thickest layer of hair. It contains fibrin and pigments that give hair color.

3) Medulla: This is the soft central part of the hair shaft.

Think of hair strands as cuticles, these cuticles are like doors that open and close to absorb moisture and then seal it back. If the cuticles are too close together, water and oils cannot easily penetrate into the hair. This makes it harder for your hair to get the moisture it needs; if the cuticles are too far apart, it will be harder for your hair to retain moisture. Therefore, different types of hair porosity have different abilities to absorb foreign substances.

Julia Hair Porosity

2. Low Hair Porosity


1)The cuticle is densely packed and very tightly bound together, with a low ability to absorb moisture;

2) When washing your hair, water will only form water droplets on your hair;

3) Hair care products tend to stick to the hair and are difficult to absorb;

4) Hair takes a long time to dry;

Hair Care

1) It is recommended to use a hot cap or hooded dryer for steam care regularly, which can lift the cuticle so that products and moisture can penetrate. If you don't have one, you can place a shower cap over your hair after applying conditioner.

2) Use a protein-free conditioner, these tend to be more easily absorbed by the hair and are less likely to cause product buildup.

3) Look for shampoos that contain ingredients such as glycerin and honey, and avoid products containing oil, as these products have difficulty penetrating the cuticle.

3. Medium Hair Porosity


1) The cuticle is not tightly combined;

2) The hair is easy to style and can maintain its style for a long time;

3) The hair does not take long to dry;

4) Hair looks healthy and shiny;

Hair Care

Medium-porosity hair cuticles are not too tight like low-porosity hair, nor are they too spaced and open like high-porosity hair, so a daily wash of hair care products will suffice. Try not to overuse chemical processes or heat-styling too frequently. Over time, these practices can damage your hair’s porosity.

4. High Hair Porosity


1) Cuticles that are more widely spaced;

2) Water and other moisturizing products are easily absorbed by the hair shaft, but cannot retain moisture for a long time;

3) Hair tends to be frizzy and dry but can break easily;

Hair Care

1) Look for shampoos and conditioners that contain oils that will help moisturize your hair.

2)Use leave-in conditioner and sealant. These products can help your hair retain moisture.

3) Avoid using hot water when shampooing and conditioning hair, use warm water instead.

5.How To Check My Hair Porosity?

how to test hair porosity

After reading the above, you may be wondering: "What is the porosity of my hair?" One of the easiest ways to test your hair's porosity is to use a glass of water. Here's how to do it:

1) Fill the glass with water and test the moisture absorption of the hair by analyzing the condition of the hair in the water.

2) Pick one or two hairs and put them into the glass.

3) See where it lands.

If your hair immediately sinks to the bottom, then it's highly porous. If it floats in the middle, then its porosity is in the medium to normal range, and if it's at the top, then it has low porosity.

6.What Affects Hair Porosity?

Just like hair texture, hair porosity is largely determined by genetics, but there are other causes like overuse of bleach, Excessive sun exposure, chlorine damage, and pH imbalance.

7.Is Hair Porosity Important?

When it comes to caring for your hair, having a good understanding of your hair's pore type can help you confidently create a hair care routine that works for your hair, rather than damaging it. The journey to cleaner, healthier hair starts with choosing the right products.

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