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What Is An Undetectable Lace Wig

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When we brush the video, we will see that stars often have different hairstyles, but the question is perm or dye. Xiaobian tells you here that it may be your own hair, mostly wigs. After all, it's convenient and doesn't hurt your scalp. Then why can't we see it? There are many kinds of wigs, and the weaving techniques are different, and so is the lace.

Lace is a unit of measurement, called a denier, in which the percentage is used to determine the fiber thickness of wig lace. The higher the denier, the stronger the lace. The lower the denier, the more transparent and imperceptible the lace is. HD Lace is considered to be a low denier, about 10% to 15%.

The natural appearance is the highest standard of lace wigs, and invisible lace is born for it. Undetectable lace is made of Swiss top lace. Lace is ultra-thin, transparent, and strong.

When you cover it on the skin, it is difficult to find the lace grid even if it is 2 feet apart. It really makes hair look like it grows out of the skin. The fancy invisible lace wig is very popular once it is introduced.

When you cover it on the skin, it is difficult to find the lace grid even if it is 2 feet apart. It really makes hair look like it grows out of the skin. The fancy invisible lace wig is very popular once it is introduced.

Today, Xiaobian will introduce three different kinds of lace in Julia's store. Follow me and have a look.

5x5 HD Lace Glueless Wigs

1. Swiss Lace

The natural appearance is the highest standard of lace wigs, and invisible lace is born for it. Undetectable lace is made of Swiss top lace. Lace is ultra-thin, transparent, and strong.

When you cover it on the skin, it is difficult to find the lace grid even if it is 2 feet apart. It really makes hair look like it grows out of the skin. The fancy invisible lace wig is very popular once it is introduced.


①Lace is soft.

②You can see the color of your skin or hat through the lace.

③It is more imperceptible than French lace.


Medium durability

Curly Wave Glueless Undetectable

2. French Lace

The holes in French lace wigs are smaller.


① Thick and durable.

② It can resist irritating chemicals and has a natural appearance.


① Thicker and coarser

② It is not as difficult to detect as other lace types.

③ Because it is not often used, it must be customized.

HD Water Wave Hair

3. HD Lace

HD lace (also known as superfine Swiss lace) is the most popular among the three types of lace at present. This material is the thinnest and most delicate in quality. High-definition lace has long been used for theater-grade wigs and other artificial limbs.

1) Advantages

①completely fused with the skin.

②Because the material is thinner, itching is reduced.

③Almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

2) Disadvantages

①It's thin and easy to tear.

②Great care must be taken: application, removal, styling, and maintenance.

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