Exclusive 100% Virgin Unprocessed Peruvian Hair Bundles
What Is Unprocessed Peruvian Virgin Hair?
Peruvian unprocessed virgin hair still has the cuticle intact; it has not been chemically processed. The hair is also usually from a single donor. Each strand of hair faces the same direction, not causing tangling, which would also be known as “cuticle hair.”
The Advantage Of Unprocessed Peruvian Hair
1. The lifetime of 100% virgin remy Peruvian unprocessed hair is much longer than that of processed hair. This hair is softer and more viable to wash than processed hair due to the absence of silicone.
2. If you want to color your hair, you can get a great match to your own. With sensational unprocessed Peruvian hair, you also get a better color application, as the stylist can see the original tones in the hair and which tones it pulls.
3. Unprocessed virgin Peruvian hair is a more significant investment than processed hair, but worth the cost.