Mink Peruvian Hair, Wholesale Best Peruvian Hair Weave

Mink Peruvian Hair, Wholesale Best Peruvian Hair Weave

Mink Peruvian Hair

Mink Peruvian hair is one of the best mink hair products. The hair has no limitations when it comes to styling. It is has a superb texture, that is soft and tender making it easy for styling. It silky and thick nature ensures its durability. So you do not have to worry about the weave looking fizzy after a few months.

Also, Peruvian mink hair bundles have a sleek and natural flow that makes it look attractive and stylish. Mink Peruvian hair comes in the curly, wavy and straight styles. In addition, its versatile nature accommodates African-American hair which is relaxed and also medium textured hair such as Caucasian. 

How Many Bundles Do You Need To Do Peruvian Hair Weave Sew In?

It depends on your own hair and the look you are going for. For partial weaves, usually 2 bundles are enough. For average full head weaves, usually 3 bundles of hair. For a fuller look, usually 4 bundles.

It also depends on the lengths. For short lengths may be 3 bundles look fuller, but if you wear longer length, 4 bundles can look the same fuller as 3 bundles of short hair.